Friday 20 July 2012

9 Best SEO Tips Tested to Increase Blog or Website Ranking

How to Change or Add Custom Favicon onto Blog on Blogger
SEO abbreviation of search engine optimization is the manner which popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, Wow, WebCrawler and similar others rank your blog or website in user's search results based on matching keywords. Next time when you Google something you'll find best sites listed for searched queries or keywords because they are better in terms of SEO. Content wise sites might not have applauding info but they are superior to other sites in SEO which might be the key reason for achieving higher search rankings.

Why and How it works?

There are countless sites registered every day, numerous information, articles are published on internet, with this never ending trait to manually honor best articles, websites, videos or anything is next to impossible. But virtually using a software tool namely spider or crawler it is effortless, which exactly every search engine uses.
Say hungry spider enters dark room (Internet) crawls around in search of websites picks many, studies throughout and ranks them based on multiple factors like website loading speed, vocabulary, layout design, followers, backlinks, popularity with various others. To improve site SEO position one don't have to become expert, try beneath best tips tested till date:
Read: How to Know Whether Emails Received are Tracked

Part 1: ON Site Strategy - Improve blog or website and its content

1. Choose SEO Friendly Titles

Select blog titles which are user friendly, ultimately title reveals what sort of information is stored beneath. Its like folks come across your blog post description and title, make impromptu visits if it appears credible. Google whatsoever you would to discover your own article, you'll get the idea, prior to finalizing titles. Keep titles simple, fascinating, vivid and credulous.

2. Content is the King

That's absolutely correct. Write content which is completely original and descriptive, compel folks to halt on blog for more time but merely via content. Splitting article into suitable phases resembling this current post will keep the individuals engrossed throughout. Create paragraphs wherever required, place associated pictures, videos appropriately. Tag images, videos with familiar keywords. Mesmerize reader with detail description like once someone leaves blog, gets impatient and returns in search of new articles.

3. Removing Broken Links

Filter dead or broken links, they offend visitors and search engines excessively. Avail the benefit of dead link checker to get precise damaged link location. Use free tools available online instead of purchasing additional software.

4. Associated Keywords

People hunt anything on internet by typing interrelated keywords and not entire sentences. In Web-site, URL, title it is imperative to use associated words but not too often. Spamming indicates deliberate use of keywords repetitively and this sends message to search engines (spider) about lack of quality content on web-site thus bringing rank down.

5. Website Speed

In simple words lower the website loading speed higher are the search engine ranks. Strive to optimize pictures, videos, using them at vital places, installing caching plugin like W3 Total Cache, use different CDN networks like MaxCDN or Cloudfare. Google loads faster than blink of an eye.

6. Update Regularly

The more you post the more spider crawls your website optimizing search engine rankings. A freelancer or busy person should write couple of articles altogether and schedule publishing time, date. This healthy practice is followed by many to sustain blog traffic. Increase the span of time spend on blogging as revenue increases.

Part 2: OFF Site Strategy - Traffic from other sources.

7. Socialize Amply

If blog has quality content, folks will undoubtedly share among colleagues. Still do your homework, share your post across various social-networks, blogs, it might someway get backlinks from high rating web pages. While your blog or website encounter traffic from different sources it speaks to spider about your content getting popular thus shifting rank up. Get involve with other fellow bloggers, blog for mates, add few comments and watch ratings soar.

8. Post One Link Many

Link keywords in post with related articles or sites like if you share about android tips, smartphone news, reviews, link with detailed post maybe to mates or own blogs. As of SEO viewpoint backlinks remain essential always, it increases website traffic than anything else. Link your blog whenever you comment on pals website, share reviews, wherever feasible.

9. Lower Bounce Rate

When it comes to SEO folks underestimate bounce rate and undervalue its performance. It represents number of individuals landing on blog or specific page and leaving quickly without spending considerable amount of time or left without interacting with other links. This indicates lack of appealing content on web-site. Reexamine articles having rare visitors, amplify description and make it more engaging. To enhance rank maintain lower bounce rate, at least below 50%. Enlist couple of post of similar topic at bottom, middle and beside columns, get them observed.


Whatever you blog keep SEO fundamentals in mind and practice frequently to maximize revenue. Implementing these tested tips won't take considerable time. Once you've learned basics carefully move onto advanced tips which needs more effort, time and dedication. Have anything to share please use comment section.

Saturday 7 July 2012

How to Know Whether Emails Received are Tracked

If you're oblivion of email tracking read this article and update yourself.
There are email tracing tools which are legally snooping your email activities even though you haven't clicked any of the links given inside. Without your consent they know when, where, in which device you opened any particular  email and it's provided  links. Leading this sector are Streak, Yesware, Bananatag, these companies spy on emails you receive from corporates, promotional, job portals or any individual, organization hiring them.

How do they do it?

Companies, Marketers or anybody craving to snoop merely inserts tiny transparent image in email popularly known as pixel tracking. When anyone reads that particular email, the image pings the server it initiated from by details including your location, browser, time, device you used. Its like read receipt which was never signed up. It is completely legal exercise practiced by many companies, even to guide the advertisers from end to end process Google has devoted a support page.

How to Detect? 

Email tracking has become mutual exercise adopted by multinational companies. Conversely, to detect such emails "UglyEmail" an effective tool is developed. It starts functioning before you hit anything. Tool notifies you about tracking through an eye icon beside subject heading. UglyEmail doesn't save, transfer or store any details of email account, it solely identifies whether email is tracked or not. 


  1. UglyEmail - An extension tool which need to install into Google chrome from it's web store.
  2. Detects emails which include tracking pixels from Streak, Yesware or Bananatag services only. They're working on adding more such tracking services.
  3. Currently available only for Google chrome internet browser and Gmail service associated with it. Soon available for safari and firefox web browsers.
  4. Doesn't prevent from getting tracked tracked, only warns you.
If you want to block pixel tracking completely go for "PixelBlock" also referenced on product hunt and another chrome extension, instead of UglyEmail's submissive approach of just warning you. Any sort of tracking whether email, web surfing activities or online shopping won't disappear anytime soon, instead you might observe manifold increase.

What Next?

Curious to know from which location and IP address the email was sent? Track down from where it came? With the aid of "Trace Email Analyzer Tool" the source of any email can be pursued. Follow beneath meantioned steps:
  1. Open any particular email which you wish to trace.
  2. Copy the entire content of header which consist of vital routing information including date, time, recipient, subject, cc and other.
  3. Skip this step if you know how to extract entire header. Fortunately, email headers are hidden within email revealing mandatory relevant information like Sender's - Recipient's email id, name, subject, date and time. Detailed original header is hidden which you'll find when clicked on down arrow next to "Reply "tab and select "Original Header". Copy whole text inside header.
  4. Google "Trace Email Analyzer", you'll encounter may websites like,, and similar, choose any site preferable to you and paste the copied script of header inside provided tool and run the program.
  5. Scroll down the site to get conditional aspects like IP address, location, originating company, host name.
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