Friday 18 June 2010

How to Save a Wet Mobile Phone or Tablet

Wet Phone
So you have just dropped your gizmo in a puddle of water may be in swimming pool, fish tank or getting caught in a hefty shower and you are worried that it may be damaged or completely dead. But don't panic, you can still rescue your gizmo if you act quick.

First & Foremost - Turn it off & Disassemble it

Disassemble Phone
Be quick to remove gizmo from puddle of water and TURN IT OFF immediately without wasting a second. Now, you have stopped the power supply, so further damage to gizmo cannot be done. If you wish to dip it into water again then you can, it won't cause damage anymore till power supply is NOT resumed. Dismantle any add-on like battery, Sim card,  memory card, cords. If feasible, try to unscrew entire body parts for quick and perfect drying.

Time to Dry

Its time to dry the circuit board, wires, buttons and processors inside which can be achieved by various ways like -

Silica Gel Packets
1. Silica gel packets - Usually silica gel packets are found in brand new products like bags, shoes and also in food, grocery items. You can also buy them separately from stores for few dollars. Place your wet mobile phone or tablet with lots of silica gel packets in a box or plastic bag. Silica gel is a drying agent which is specially used to absorb moisture effectively. Leave it for 2 to 3 days to achieve efficient drying.

2. Using uncooked rice - Alternately, bury the wet tablet or parts in a big bag/bowl of uncooked rice such that it covers all sides of gizmo by at-least an inch or so and leave it for 1 to 2 days. Rice will soak up almost all the moisture like silica over-nite.

3. Blow air to Dry - Air is obviously helpful to dry out things perfectly, but that doesn't mean you should leave the wet mobile phone under the fan in an open room, instead, hold the wet gizmo in front of the air conditioner's vent for few minutes. Also, it is not recommended to use a hair dryer because hot or unrefined air isn't good for any wet gizmo, it may damage the circuit board. But if you don't have any other option at that very moment other than using a hair dryer, keep the settings low and hold your wet mobile phone enough far away from dryer.

Wet Phone in Oven
 4. Oven - Other way to dry out moisture from internal components of gizmo is by keeping your wet mobile phone in oven in a oven tray but setting the oven to its lowest setting. 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit temperature won't cause any damage to gizmo, but you'll have to keep on trying this method many times to achieve complete dryness.
5. Alcohol - If above solutions doesn't work then try this extreme alcohol solution. Dip the switched off device into a bowl or glass of PURE alcohol. Alcohol will take place of water & entire water will drain out. When the device is taken out, the alcohol will evaporate leaving your device dry.


All of these techniques relies on chance and a bit of luck. The most imperative part is to act quick in removing the gizmo from puddle of water and switching it off before water hits & causes any major damage to circuit board. Even if you revive your device there are possibilities of water-contact parts getting corroded over time, so after few months or so your gizmo may slow down, face circuit problem, therefore its desirable to service your gizmo at least once. After trying out this techniques when you feel it has dried completely, wait for few hours. Check whether your gizmos- slots, components are clean & dried. Turn on the device, if your phone doesn't starts, remove the battery & head to your nearest service center. And don't lie to service-man when asked about phone getting wet because many smartphones have a water indicator which tells the technician it had a bath or swim.

For example iPhone 5S's water indicator changes color from white to red when it gets wet.  The best option is to keep your gizmo in a secure place where it is improbable to be exposed to any water damage.

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